Saturday, August 2, 2008


I have been wanting to comment on how quickly I am losing respect for John McCain. His campaign lately has sunk far below what I expected from this once honorable man. (On top of that, he appears to have a lack of a detailed understanding of most issues. On ABC's "This Week" last Sunday George Stephanopolis had to correct, remind or cover for McCain so often it was embarrassing.) If McCain keeps up this same old divisive politics and wins - he and others will be in for a rude surprise. The division won't heal this time. Faith in democracy will be gone. That's no joke. Is John McCain really willing to lose this country to win an election. I certainly hope not.

1 comment:

britny said...

hey mark!!!! funny cartoon. i like your commentary. good to know we 're on the same page!!!! wooo000britny