Monday, August 18, 2008

Dad was right

I sometimes wonder if I get over sceptical about politics. Then I talk to my parents. Saturday, at the close of the Forum for Presidential candidates, I talked with my dad about it. He agreed that Obama did pretty good but then expressed a suspicion that John McCain was not in the "cone of silence" as promised by the programs' host. I confess, I poo poo'ed the idea at the time, chalking it up to his 25 additional years as a political observor to become extra over cynical. But, I was wrong. John McCain was not in the cone of silence when Warren said he was after all. Did he hear the questions in advance? We will never know. Were we lied to by the programs host? It sure looks that way. Was the Republican following the predetermined rules - well, c'mon he's a Republican, of course not!

But at 8 p.m. ET, as Warren said that [the GOP candidate was inside a cone of silence], McCain was actually not in the building. He was just leaving his hotel, with his motorcade arriving at the church nearly a half hour into the event. Yesterday on CNN, Warren confirmed that McCain was not in the building when the forum began. So how do we know if McCain listened or watched any of the discussion beforehand? Warren told CNN Sunday evening, “we flat out asked him” if he heard any of the questions.

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