Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh What A Night!

Last night's speech was so great it's hard to find the right words. Barack Obama, in one evening, managed to destroy all the arguments his opponents have used against him. He has substance as well as style and can be sharp in criticism as well as soothing in explaining common ground. He laid out the failures of today's politics and offered real solutions and change. The sights and sounds were simply amazing and came across as All American. I think it may have resonated with independents too. The ultimate judgement came from a real Conservative friend of mine (non-neocon), disaffected with the GOP but not yet sold on the Democrats who simply stated that Obama "hit a Grand Slam". I hope that Independents and even Conservatives gained the impression last night which we Obama supporters have felt for a long time. That Barack Obama is not a messiah nor an empty celebrity, but a serious, smart and determined patriot who will fight to restore the United States. Oh, what a night indeed.
UPDATE: Even long time right winger Pat Buchanan loved it! Unbelievable!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I stayed up and watched his speech even though I was dead tired and I am glad I did. He had my vote before, but last night affirmed it for me. He speaks TO the people, not at them or down to them. He did an awesome job!