Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Now he tells us

In the post below I direct you to the story of Former White House Spokesman Scott McClellan's new book. In it, the #1 water carrier for misinformation and lies now admits ... it was all misinformation and lies! Imagine that! Now there are still plenty on the right who are drinking this Kool-Aid, but all but the most ignorant now realize that we have been living under an Un-American regime for the past 7 years. Of course some of us have been trying to warn the public for years about this - but what did we know. We were just those nasty "liberals" that the right wing machine so successfully smeared. Much of the nation was convinced to ignore what we said, ignore what they saw and believe only what the right wing told them to believe. Their moronic obedience resulted in the disaster of the Bush Administration.

As much as I wish I could forgive and forget, I really doubt that I will ever be able to totally forgive those who backed Bush and his lies for two elections. The conservative "movement" in general and Bush/Rove specifically let their intentions be known from the start. They would not rely on facts - they would pursue the policies of their "movement". They would say anything they wanted no matter how untrue to get what they want. The relied on propaganda, smears and a general dumbing down of discourse to gain power and they would use these same tactics to push through disastrous policies - right under all of our noses. McClellan now seems to be saying - "I was lying to you and it's your fault for not calling me out". Although he should not be absolved of his behavior, he does have a point.

If someone like me could see it plain as day from the start, there is no excuse for anyone else to act surprised or disappointed now. The USA may never recover from this dark chapter in her history. Frankly, I lay the blame on everyone inside and outside of the media who should have known better, but let the destruction of this once great nation happen anyway. So while I am glad that Scotty has decided to tell all, it is far too late to undo the damaged he helped create. Riddled with guilt now, he wants to come clean. How convenient for him. Here is my favorite analysis (so far) of the McClellan book .....

Bottom line: he confirms everything that we dirty hippie bloggers were screaming about at the top of our lungs, but which the traditional media ignored because...well, because Scott McClellan stood at his little White House podium and denied it all, lying out of his fat little elitist face as the stenographers printed his crap without scrutiny. Once again, we come face to face with a White House official who could've done the right thing...but instead decided that the lives of American troops, Iraqi civilians, Katrina victims, and a network of covert CIA operatives were worth less than the luster of his master's lapel pin. When our country needed him to tell it straight, he hid behind propaganda and spin and bogus talking points and outright bamboozlement. source

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