Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Voice of the Right

This is really something. It's an audio clip from the Rush Limbaugh show (someone else did the video portion). If you listen to it you'll hear a parody song supposedly sung by Al Sharpton and titled (no joke) "Barack The Magic Negro". I don't think you can underestimate the influence Limbaugh has had on the conservative movement. It could not have happened without him motivating the ground troops. It's amazing that the man is still so beloved by Republicans (with a $285 million dollar contract). I'm surprised he is still so influential - not just because of the content of his daily hate fest, but for his repeated falls from grace. Limbaugh is still lauded by the Right despite a lifetime of unseemly behavior. Further proof of the insincerity of this so called conservative movement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you are a tool! Thanks for playing our "Im holier than thou" Ignorant, Take it out of context game! IF you did your research you would know that the lyrics are quotes from liberal press and politicians. Further more, nice kneejerk reaction!!!!