Tuesday, May 1, 2007

(What) Mission (was) Accomplished?

It was four years ago today that President George W. Bush announced “Mission Accomplished” on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln At the time I knew it was premature to declare the war over and I was sickened at the crass commercialization of the war for partisan purposes that day. I figured that his little promenade would clinch his reelection because it was so beautifully produced. Ironically, today this image stand as a symbol of the disconnect between the Bush administration and reality. Unfortunately that realization did not hit enough Americans by November of 2004 and we are in the midst of the second term of this sad state of denial. How idiotic Bush now looks in his jumpsuit strutting around. Gosh, how some people were impressed! Are they still? Well, if you check out this short video you’ll see how the White House has left out the Mission Accomplished banner from their very own web site. I checked just Monday night and sure enough, it’s not there. So, no. No one is proud of this extravegant photo op any more.

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