Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Latency (If I can't do it - nobody should be able to)

I have long believed and written about the concept of "latency" as it relates to peoples political and personal beliefs. While I would not over simplify or overgeneralize, I do believe that often times people who are (over?) enthusiastic advocates for or against something in particular do so based on their own desires. The most common example of this is homosexuality. While I certainly believe that a majority of people who are against gay marriage or anti-homosexual do not fall in this category, I do think that the most vocal and strident anti-homosexual folks are simply fighting off their own demons. There are academic studies and anecdotal evidence to back this up.

I believe that, very subtly and often only semi-consciously, those who are the strongest "family values" types are secretly jealous (yes, that's the right word) that others are getting away with something they secretly want to do. They don't do it themselves for a variety of reasons. They may be frightened or they may genuinely think it is immoral. The reason is unimportant, it is the reaction that I am focusing on. Since they can't or won't be gay (when deep down they want to), they insist that others must not be allowed to be either.

In my case I seem to always fight against greed and corruption. I have admitted before that just below my surface is a jealousy that I wish I were rich or wish that I could get into being greedy. Believe me, this is a struggle with me. I have a lot of persuasive skills, I am a great sales person, I come across as believable and honest - I could so take advantage of people and get their money in my hands. But for ever reason - morals or just the inability to do this (to my great frustration at times) I just do my own thing - honest and above the board. I make my money and sleep well at night. But I see how I could be so much more sucessful in this American life if I were greedy. That's the way modern Capitalism is set up. Let the buyer beware, letter seller take advantage. I see clearly how to take advantage of people. Because I can't get myself to do that (like I say, I often wish I could) I really get burned up when others do so. I think (semi - to fully consciously) that my anti-greed perspective comes from the attitude of - Since, I am unable (again, for whatever reason) to make all this money by taking advantage of people, no one should be allowed to either.

Which brings me to the current Administration in Washington and the contemporary Republican party. I am old enough to remember the Cold War and I clearly recall how the right wingers were the loudest in denouncing evil "Communism" and the powerful state government of the old Soviet bloc. While I didn't see it then, I have noticed something over the past decade that surprised me. I believe that the reason the "conservatives" so vehemently lambasted the Communists in the past is because they were jealous of the power they had. Yep, these folks were latent authoritarians the whole time and ohhh boy, has it ever risen to the surface.

I think it would be difficult to deny that the Bush Administration has seized more power and offered less accountability than any Administration in recent history. No one alive during the Cold War would mistake the eerie similarities between their rhetoric of the Soviets in the 1970's and 80's and that from the Bush Administration today. The strong State-ism, the reliance of cronyism over competence, the mandatory display of symbols to prove patriotism, the dismantling of our civil liberties, the imminent knock on the door (or phone tap) at night, and of course the torture. All these were specific issue railed AGAINST the communists back in the day! Yet today they are embraced with great pride by the Righties. (And don't make me get into what happens to those of us who protest this. Much like the USSR, our patriotism is challenged and we don't get to enjoy any of the spoils of the government provides.)

So there you have it - a self analysis. I am a closet greedy, power hungry Republican. (Honestly, would I like to be overpaid simply because of my connections, have control of the levers of power in this country to advance my narrow beliefs and reward my friends and punish my enemies with wild abandon - HELL YES!) But I don't. So no one else can either.

So there!

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